Thursday, January 9, 2020

Apong Guan 曼煎糕/ Apom Guan

在某段车水路大路边, 却同时出现了两档家喻户晓, 由两兄弟各自售卖的娘惹式曼煎饼, Apong Guan 和 Apong Chooi. 兄弟俩的曼煎糕煞是好吃美味,吃过可会上瘾, 口味也大同小异, 就看食客们的各自喜好了。若论人气与名气的话, 显然的 Apong Guan 更胜一筹。虽然已经营了50年, 现年已75高龄的 Apong Guan 至今依然风雨无阻, 坚持驻足协和小学大门外开档。前来打包的食客, 通常都是购买十片二十片或更多片。若想吃到此美味的小吃,必须要耐心等待,或许半个小时以上噢! 使用的材料看似简单,祖传秘方的面糊 (混合鸡蛋, 牛奶,椰奶和糖), 香蕉片和玉米粒,却能做出如此美味可口,百吃不厌的曼煎糕, 多么不简单啊! 烤至金黄色,从热锅中拿起,放旁待凉,热腾腾的曼煎糕,香味四溢,无不令人吻了垂涎。迫不及待,拿起一片往口里塞,入口即化,香浓的面糊,参杂香甜的香蕉味,在口中爆发,齿颊留香,久久不散, 此刻无比辛福满足也~!  😋
Along the busy Burmah Road, coexist two Penang famous stalls selling the Apong (or Apom) by roadside, Apong Guan and Apong Chooi. Ironically they are brothers! Despite selling the similar Nyonya styled Apong with pretty much the same taste, somehow Apong Guan is distinctly more popular judging by the number of queueing patrons. To this day, stationed in front of Union Primary School, 75 years old Uncle Guan is still proudly and passionately selling his signature Apong, although he has been doing so for the past 50 years. The tastiness of Apong Guan lies on its secret recipe batter (mixtures of eggs, rice milk, coconut milk and sugar). The Apong is cooked to golden brown, toppled with few slices of bananas, small spoonful of sweet corn, and then folds into half, left to cool on tray before packaging to awaiting customers. The Apong is fluffy enough, melt in the mouse with little effort. The aromatic flavour of egg and coconut, plus sweetness of pisang Raja is simply irresistible. I bet you just can't stop eating one after another. Got to try it to believe it. Best in the Penang! 👍

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