Wednesday, May 13, 2020

日落洞黄金"印度馅料煎饼" / Golden coloured Murtabak Jelutong

One of my favourite murtabak on island, Murtabak Jelutong. The stall is located at corner of street food court, just behind Pos Office Jelutong.

The murtabak is perfectly cooked till its striking golden color. The proprietor is always generous with his pickled onions and his spicy curry comes with chicken pieces. And don't be shy to ask for more curry if not enough.

Better still dine-in at stall, enjoy the murtabak at its best when it's hot. Also one should not miss the stall's crisply Roti Planta. 😋

这档位于日落洞邮政局后面的 "印度馅料煎饼” 或大家熟悉的 "Murtabak" 是俺最喜爱之一。


当然 Murtabak 还是趁热时,在档口吃才好吃,过瘾!这档的香脆 Roti Planta 也不容错过哦!👍

Friday, May 1, 2020

Happy Workers Day 2020

在行动管制令4.0下,一家两人可获许一起出去了。女人购物,男人拎物,大包小袋,两手满满,买得不亦乐乎! 🥥🍆🥔🥕🥦🌶

Great to allow each family goes out in pairs during MCO4.0, thus reveals the essential and gentle "man" of the house. Happy Workers Day! 👷👨‍💼👨‍🏫👮👨‍🔬👨‍🍳

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Gurney Paragon CNY decoration/ 葛尼百利宫迎新春2020

Replicating a Chinese village brimming with cherry blossom trees, blooming flowers and hanging red lanterns to welcome the Lunar New Year 2020. Immersed yourself with Spring festivity atmosphere here. Don't miss the display of traditional old Shanghai antique & vintage collectibles, along the walkway nearby.


Monday, January 20, 2020

Roti Canai @ Jalan Tengah Flat/ "中路” 组屋下的印度煎饼

Occupied one corner at front entrance of Sin Kim Sing Cafe, this is the Jalan Tengah Flat well known hawker stall selling Roti Canai in the morning. This stall is run by three generations of Indian family, and each family member has his/her own specific duty. Due to huge patrons at weekends, some of the young family members will come to help at stall. The experience of such busy yet harmonious atmosphere at stall is quite exceptional. Contrary to regular Roti Canai stalls/ shops that sell variety of Roti Canai , this stall owners only selling two types of Roti Canai, plain Roti Canai and egg Roti Canai. Each Roti Canai is expertly cooked to golden crispy before taking off the big frying pan, quickly fluffing up by edges, then irregularly tearing into pieces barehanded, and serving with homemade dhal curry to customers in waiting. The hot and crispy Roti Canai mixes superbly well with its moderate spicy and sweet dhal curry, perfectly matched. Bet you could just be like me can't help gobbling down one piece after another. So mouth-watering! Don't be shy to ask for extra dhal curry, the proprietor is happily to serve you. Still looking for best Roti Canai on island? This is probably the stall you're not going to miss, best in Penang! 

在新金星茶室门前,或许提及 "Jalan Tengah 组屋下" 印象会更深刻些,有一档非常出名的家庭似印度煎饼。这档口由三代家族成员经营着,而每位家庭成员都各施其职,忙中有序。周末为了应付众多食客, 家族一些年轻成员也会过来档口帮忙,三代家人忙得不亦乐乎,乐融融,实数少见的小贩摆卖奇景。与众印度煎饼摊口/店不同,此摊口仅售卖两种口味,即普通煎饼和鸡蛋煎饼。年迈的老夫妇站在大煎锅前,耐心地反复翻转每片煎饼,煎至均匀金色酥脆才起锅。而站在一旁的儿子迅速酱煎饼拍了三两下, 驱散些热气,然后徒手撕成零散,配自制的扁豆咖喱送上桌或打包。热腾腾的煎饼沾上甜辣适中的扁豆咖喱,吃起来超酥脆爽口,堪称完美配搭。吃下第一口后,就情不自禁地一块又一块酱煎饼送进口里,停不了口。甜辣的扁豆咖喱可真开胃,如果不够,可以要求年轻老板额外添加。还在寻找槟岛上最好吃的印度煎饼?那这档您绝对不容错过的!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Tzu Chi Recycling Education Centre (Sungai Nibong)/ 慈济环保教育站 (双溪里蒙)

Located at Taman Sri Nibong, originally an abandoned hawker food center run by MBPP (formerly MPPP), nowadays this place has turned out to be Tzu Chi Recycling Education Centre, established since 2011. Apart from being recycling centre, public are encouraged to come in personally to learn the proper way of sorting and recycling the wastes. Within this recycling centre, a group of volunteers has setup a corner called “Book Adoption Center”, which allows public to adopt or donate (purchase) used/ recycled books, recruits volunteers to manage, to share and to promote ideology of recycling used books. It's never too late to start recycling, let's do it now! 

槟岛西南县位于"斯里里蒙花园",原本是座荒废的市政厅小贩饮食中心,如今却摇身一变成为了慈济环保教育站。和一位大师兄聊了一下,得知这间环保站成立于2011,到今年已快第九个年头了。而且这一路走来可不容易呢!除了作为一般环保回收中心,中心负责人更提倡民众前来亲身体验和学习正确垃圾分类的环保意识。 此外,这环保站还开拓了一个空间名为"书籍领养中心“, 让民众随喜领养或随缘乐捐(购买)二手回收书籍, 鼓励民众前来当志工管理,分享与传递书籍环保理念。爱护地球, 从你我开始, 今天就开始环保吧!

Friday, January 17, 2020

大满清香粥/ Tai Buan Porridge

路过南华医院街时,巧遇在某间老旧店屋售卖清粥的一对老夫妇, ”大满清香粥“, 里头几乎坐满了食客。用手机上网查了一下,据报道此档业主已营业超过50多年了, 槟城著名老字之一,卖的是正宗潮州粥。此时炎热天气, 来碗清粥,医肚清肠,想必爽口开胃。多种古早风味配料供选,单单卤味料理就有多样选择了, 卤肉,卤鸭,卤肠,卤内脏,卤豆干等等。还有菜圃蛋,咸菜,咸蛋,豆干等。点了一碗清粥配卤瘦肉,卤蛋,菜圃蛋和咸蛋。有别于广州粥,潮州粥的米饭煮得比较完整,粒粒鲜明,水份也比较多,清香顺口。卤料腌制得非常入味, 咸味适中,不会太咸。菜圃蛋看似普通,味道和口味却是一级棒, 超好吃的!沾着自家调配的辣椒酱,辛辣开胃,食欲不禁大增,再添加一碗清粥,此刻无比满足也!价钱个人觉得贵了些, 但不会阻碍俺下次再来回味。此店家的清粥,居千二层"清水宫"之后,吃了会让俺流连忘返,回味无穷, 实在好吃!

Passing by this old shop selling traditional porridge by old couple, Tai Buan Porridge, located near the junction between Muntri Street and Leith Street. Interestingly the proprietor selling the porridge on food pushcart at entrance of the shop. A quick googled online revealed that this old couple has been in business for more than 50 years and serving the best Teochew styled porridge in town. Nothing better than having a porridge meal at this time of extreme hot afternoon. Wide variety of tempting traditional side dishes such as braised meat, braised duck, braised pork innards, braised tofu, salted vegetables, to name a few, were available to be served with porridge. Spoiled with choices displayed in front, and with few customers waiting at the back, hurriedly ordered braised lean meat, braised egg, preserved radish omelette and salted egg. This Teochew styled porridge was distinctively different than Cantonese styled porridge in term of its appearance. The rice grains were perfectly cooked to its softness, not lumpy yet slightly watery.The braised meats were well marinated, moderate salty taste, very much suited my taste buds. Personally I liked the preserved radish omelette the most, it may look ordinary, but tasted superbly delicious with its crunchiness. Dipped with homemade chili sauce, the spiciness really increased my appetite, I could not help but ordered another bowl of porridge, truly satisfied. Though the food pricing is quite expensive, however it will not deter me from coming back again very soon. This traditional porridge is as good as the one I ate at "Temple of Thousand And Two Steps" which is my all time favorite porridge in Penang. Certainly one of best Teochew styled porridge on the island!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Queensbay Mall Majestic Ocean Palace/ 皇后湾海龙宫

今年槟岛购物广场的新春佳节布置与往年相比似乎逊色了许多,视觉上有些单调,缺乏创意和心思。这难道是未来经济不景气的预兆?!尽管如此,槟岛众四大购物广场当中,显然的还是皇后湾比较有看头,比较出众。今年的设计和布置主题 ”海龙宫”,打造出海底生物和宫廷景色,五颜六色,七彩缤纷,还别有一番特色。即将来临的农历新年生肖虽属鼠,但龙哥哥却已迫不急待提前出 "海龙宫“ 和大家一起共庆新春佳节!

Compared to previous years, the decoration for coming Chinese New Year among Big Four shopping malls on island are visibly uninteresting, lack of creativity and excitement. Is this an early signs of economy depression for 2020? Nevertheless, of these Big Four shopping malls, obviously Queensbay Mall is the one most outstanding and attractive. The theme of this year's design is "Majestic Ocean Palace", displaying multiples underwater creatures and palace scenery, colorful and vibrant. The first day of Chinese New Year of 2020 falls on January 25th (Saturday). According to Chinese zodiac, 2020 is a Year of the Rat.